
mottled joints Learn more about mottled joints

  • Pay attention to the control of diseases and insect pests in the period of wheat turning green

    Pay attention to the control of diseases and insect pests in the period of wheat turning green

    First, virus disease (1) symptoms the disease is very common, especially in the seedling stage. The main manifestations in the field are mottled flowers and leaves, wrinkled flowers and leaves, and so on. When the disease is mild, the plants with mosaic and mottled symptoms appear at the seedling stage. When the disease is serious, the seedlings appear wrinkled and narrow the leafy mosaic plants, and the leaves are deformed, wrinkled, and.

  • Symptoms and control of snow vegetable virus disease

    Symptoms and control of snow vegetable virus disease

    Snow vegetables, alias: Shiraki, nine-head mustard, cooking, vegetables, etc., Brassica, angiosperm, is a kind of mustard. Snow cabbage is the tender stem and leaf of cruciferous mustard, which tastes cool and belongs to the lung, spleen and stomach meridians. It has diuretic and antidiarrheal, expelling wind and dispersing blood, detumescence and stopping.

    2020-11-08 Snow vegetables viruses diseases symptoms and prevention and control snow vegetables aliases
  • How much is a kilo of spotted shrimp? Three big differences from nine shrimp!

    How much is a kilo of spotted shrimp? Three big differences from nine shrimp!

    Spotted shrimp, also known as grass shrimp, black tiger shrimp, flower shrimp, is a common edible shrimp in China, because anthocyanin is 20% higher than other shrimps and deeply loved by people, especially to the Spring Festival, the sale price is very high, that spotted shrimp about how much money a catty? And what's with the nine-node shrimp

    2020-11-11 mottled joints shrimp probably more less money one jin and nine joints three big
  • How to grow plants after grafting

    How to grow plants after grafting

    After flowers and trees grafting, the following management work should be done well: branch grafting management, woody plant branch grafting, if it is found that cracks appear on the buried mound or bud tips have sprouted, indicating that they have survived, they should immediately remove the pile of soil to make the seedlings see the light. If the bud tip is still not seen after one month, it means that it has not been reconnected, and the soil should also be removed.

  • The Boat Bookstore of the Wuhai Family, the small study of Wu Xiaomei and Chunyang fishing Port

    The Boat Bookstore of the Wuhai Family, the small study of Wu Xiaomei and Chunyang fishing Port

    The Boat Bookstore of the Wuhai Family, the small study of Wu Xiaomei and Chunyang fishing Port

  • Prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases in conventionally cultured fish

    Prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases in conventionally cultured fish

    In recent years, due to the impact of drug residues on the export of aquatic products in China, the government has carried out a large-scale rectification of the entire fishery drug market and successively announced a large number of banned aquatic drugs, such as chloramphenicol, furazolidone, malachite green, pentachlorophenate sodium and so on. Because of its high economic value and large export market, special aquatic products are under the joint efforts of all parties. The use of illegal drugs has been well controlled. In the process of conventional fish culture, bacterial diseases occur frequently.

  • How to make black pine bonsai? Detailed explanation of the production process of black pine bonsai

    How to make black pine bonsai? Detailed explanation of the production process of black pine bonsai

    The black pine trunk is thin and clumsy, mottled as scales, the needles are sturdy and strong, the twigs are vertical and powerful, soft and firm, with a simple masculine beauty, natural shape and charm, full of picturesque meaning. Let's take a look at the production of black pine bonsai.

  • Xing Jinke bonsai appreciation

    Xing Jinke bonsai appreciation

    Title: flying Dragon in the Heaven Specification: 120cm Tree species: on the Festival White Wax author: Xing Jinke dynamic View-Xing Jinkewen | Jiang Zhi's "Shanghai Botanical Garden" also released the beauty of mountains and rivers, which has been discussed since ancient times. Only those with elegant feelings can taste nature.

  • The method of making bamboo bonsai

    The method of making bamboo bonsai

    Son chic and elegant, elegant, elegant Athens, used to make small bamboo bonsai, decorate the room, very elegant. There are many kinds of bamboo, and it is appropriate to make bamboo bonsai with thin stems and narrow leaves, such as Phyllostachys pubescens, Yinyang bamboo and so on. When transplanting bamboo, one or two years of age should be selected in spring.

  • Whisper one Korean school year product pine hill bonsai impression (2)

    Whisper one Korean school year product pine hill bonsai impression (2)

    Han school year mountain pine bonsai "skillfully borrow Huangshan pine tree" whisper one by one "Pinsong Qiu" work impression (2) original author | Ke Xiaoren Han school year work "endless", "the rugged landscape is vaguely visible"? A mountain pine, several thin bare roots fall.

  • A house that you can carry! Li Yang, a veteran artist, recreated "Zhu Longzi", which violated the exquisite craftsmanship for half a century.

    A house that you can carry! Li Yang, a veteran artist, recreated

    A house that you can carry! Li Yang, a veteran artist, recreated "Zhu Longzi", which violated the exquisite craftsmanship for half a century.

  • How to propagate bluegrass, four propagation methods of bluegrass (cutting ramet is the most practical)

    How to propagate bluegrass, four propagation methods of bluegrass (cutting ramet is the most practical)

    Orchid, that is, orchid, it is a traditional Chinese flower, with plum, bamboo, chrysanthemum and called four gentlemen, loved by the majority of flower friends. In life, many people keep bluegrass at home, but is a pot too monotonous? It's time to breed a few pots, so how does bluegrass reproduce? Here are four propagation methods of bluegrass

  • The latest course of High-yield cultivation techniques of Sugar Citrus

    The latest course of High-yield cultivation techniques of Sugar Citrus

    Sugar orange has the characteristics of early fruiting and high yield, pure sweetness and residue, which is suitable for the consumption habits of Chinese people, and its market price is 12 times higher than that of other oranges. The main techniques of planting and management of sugar orange are introduced as follows. Select pure disease-free and pest-free strong seedling lines to precocious species.

    2020-11-10 The latest sugar orange high yield cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • An exclusive interview with Hu Leguo, a Chinese master of bonsai art

    An exclusive interview with Hu Leguo, a Chinese master of bonsai art

    China Flower Bonsai Magazine specially plans Chinese Bonsai Art Master Hu Leguo to mourn the immature Pine of the Bonsai album-- an exclusive interview with Chinese Bonsai Art Master Hu Leguo. Yang Dongxu's article is the original article of China Flower Bonsai Magazine.

  • Growth environment of green pineapple

    Growth environment of green pineapple

    Green turnip negative plants, avoid direct sunlight, like shade. Indoor cultivation can be placed next to the window, but to avoid direct sunlight. Too much sunlight will burn the leaves of green pineapple, and overshade will make the beautiful markings on the leaves disappear. Usually by receiving scattered light for four hours, green pineapple has the best growth and development.

  • When will the pronunciation of Iris plant and blossom

    When will the pronunciation of Iris plant and blossom

    Iris, this plant is also super good-looking, many people like breeding, the growth is super good-looking, so what is the pronunciation of this Iris? When to plant and bloom: Iris pronunciation: yuan (kite) wei (tail) hua (flower)

  • The advantages of making bonsai with elm trees

    The advantages of making bonsai with elm trees

    In addition to introducing the conservation of elm bonsai, the editor also wants to explain why elm bonsai is loved by the general public. The reason why many people choose elm bonsai is that elm is a very ordinary tree species, which is easier to adopt in the mountains. And the branches, leaves and stems of elm have ornamental value.

  • How to raise metasequoia bonsai, culture methods and precautions of metasequoia bonsai / avoid bright light

    How to raise metasequoia bonsai, culture methods and precautions of metasequoia bonsai / avoid bright light

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a highly ornamental plant, it can be potted or planted in a large area, but if you want to raise it well, there are many things you need to pay attention to. So how to grow metasequoia bonsai? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of metasequoia bonsai? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

  • The culture method of green orchid adds a touch of green to the home.

    The culture method of green orchid adds a touch of green to the home.

    Green orchid is a negative plant, and many potted plants are used as climbing vines and foliage flowers. they like warm and humid environment, requiring loose, fertile soil and good drainage. So what are the breeding methods for green orchids? Next, let the editor who decorates the network give you a brief introduction.

  • How do banyan trees lose their leaves? what are the causes / 6 diseases and remedial measures?

    How do banyan trees lose their leaves? what are the causes / 6 diseases and remedial measures?

    The banyan tree is deeply loved by flower friends because of its developed roots and leafy upper body, and is kept at home by many people. But in the process of breeding, because of various reasons, the banyan tree will lose its leaves, which makes people have an incomparable headache. So, what if the banyan tree loses its leaves? What is the reason why the banyan tree lost its leaves?
